Pre-heat your oven at 180 degrees Celsius. Line a baking tray with parchment paper.
In a large bowl, add the oats, all the nuts, seeds, coco flakes. Mix gently with a spoon.
Then add the coconut oil, pure maple syrup, and salt. Mix well with a spoon or by hand. Transfer to the lined baking tray. Using a spatula, press down the granola on to the tray. This helps the granola crisp up.
Bake for 10 minutes, then flip the granola using a flat spatula. This may sound a bit messy but it helps to cook the granola evenly. Press down again and continue to bake for another 10-12 minutes or until you see the granola turning golden brown.
Once cooked, take out of the oven and leave on the baking tray to cool down for at least 7-8 minutes. Lastly, you add the dried cranberries. Then transfer to a clean, dry, air-tight container and store in a cool, dry place or in your fridge for longer storage.
To serve, top on your favorite greek yogurt, oatmeal, or smoothies.
NOTE: I made a correction to this recipe, and instead of mixing the dried cranberries before baking (as you see in the video), you add it after the granola is baked. In this way, the dried fruit is not overly cooked.