“What do you do?” I often get asked this question in every meetup or gathering, and every time I come up with a slightly different answer. Probably because I consider myself a multi-passionate entrepreneur. In the simplest terms, I am a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health coach who helps women like you take control of your health and life by teaching you the exact how-tos to achieve a healthy body that you are confident of, and a lifestyle that you love.

But everything as they say starts with a story.
I used to struggle with weight issues ever since I was a teenager and I know how it feels to look at that mirror and feel so shameful and depressed with what I am seeing. I remember my mother had to buy me jeans from the boys’ department just because I couldn’t fit into the girls’ sizes. When I entered high school, the pressure even got worse especially being in an all girls’ school where body image is everything. Good thing though I had real friends who accepted me for who I am regardless of my waistline. But still, something inside of me wished I could weigh less, and look better.
I went into crash dieting. I took those claim-heavy herbal slimming teas and felt sick for days just so I can shed the pounds. I skipped meals. I lost almost 30 pounds in a month but I also lost hair (yes, like a lot). My skin darkened probably because of the lack of nutrients, and I looked like someone with a grave illness. My mom was so troubled to the point that she had me go through a health panel check-up to make sure I was okay. She even suspected that I was taking prohibited drugs! Oh dear. It was a horrible phase and I wish I knew better

I did keep the weight throughout college and thereafter, but I was still in a yo-yo diet. I binged, and then gained weight. I would go into crash-dieting again, and lose weight. It was a vicious cycle. I had zero knowledge when it came to proper nutrition.
I looked skinny but deep inside I felt secretly obese! I had a huge thing for sugar. As in, refined sugar kind of food. I can gobble a tub of ice cream and cake like it’s nobody’s business. I had a stash of chocolates and junk food in my office drawer. I did workout regularly though, went to the gym and did yoga. But because I wasn’t nourishing my body the right way, I felt exhausted EVERY SINGLE DAY. No amount of energy drink or caffeine helped.
Health is more than just the food we eat. It’s also how we think, how we feel, it’s how we live.
I obviously lacked in nutrition, but I also felt I was missing out on inspiration. I loved my profession as a senior corporate training manager in a multi-national company. Pay was really good, and I was travelling non-stop for work or pleasure and ticking my bucket list.
Still, I felt something was missing and that I had a different calling.
In 2014, I became a mom and it was a game changer. I felt the need to be healthier for my son. I also wanted to lose the post-partum weight but wanted to do it the right way this time. I slowly changed the way I ate, and started to see the weight coming off without feeling the struggle.
Time also became a priceless commodity for me and I longed for more hours to be with my baby, not just during weekends or holidays. So I kept my options open and decided to explore the world of entrepreneurship.

The year after, I started my first wellness business. Without knowing how I’m going to do it, I just dove right in and learned as I go. I partnered with a global health company and started my online business part-time. I worked 9 to 5 in my day job and then built my business 5 to 9. I trained myself, read a lot of business and nutrition books, took courses, and just learned from those who made it. I allowed myself to fail but also gave myself permission to succeed.
I was also introduced to the world of modern nutrition, and learned how to nourish my body the right way. I met so many extremely successful and inspired professionals who have become some of my closest business partners, mentors and friends up to this day.
I started blogging thru my Fit Foodie Mommy facebook page. I chronicled my journey on how I transitioned to a healthier lifestyle. More moms and women reached out to me asking for healthy recipes, tips and guidance. Mind you, I didnt have a degree in nutrition but all I had was the passion and intent to serve these women whom I see a reflection of my past self. I knew what they were going through, and I wanted to help and give value.
The year after, I realized that I wanted to take on the path of health coaching seriously, as in professionally. I searched for nutrition schools that offered something more holistic and I came across the INSTITUTE OF INTEGRATIVE NUTRITION (IIN) Health Coaching Training Program. The moment I looked at the school’s vision and it’s course syllabus, I knew it was what I was looking for.

IIN has over 25 years of track record, has produced tens of thousands of successful health coaches globally, and it has also a high-calibre of faculty, from the likes of Dr. Mehmet Oz and Deepak Chopra, who are authorities in the wellness industry. The Health Coaching program is a one-year ONLINE program which was perfect for a mom like me who had limited time.
The program taught me not just how to eat better, but how to make lifestyle choices that improved my emotional, social, mental and even spiritual health. It also opened another door of opportunity for me to build a fulfilling and meaningful career around coaching others to meet their health needs. I learned not just hundreds of different dietary theories, but also about the psychology behind eating issues, or cravings which has helped me overcome my own struggles too. It’s truly a life-changing education.
Relationships, exercise, career, and spirituality are just as important to your health as the food you eat. Health Coaches understand this and take a holistic approach to supporting the whole person.
Institute of Integrative Nutrition
And now, I want to share this blessing with you.
If you have that little voice in you that says your passion is in health, wellness and helping others, or if you feel like you need this for yourself to help you become a healthier you, you can download my FREE HEALTH COACHING KIT and get to know what a health coach really does, and have access to the course syllabus, a sample free class, and the program guide to help you decide.
Trust me, if you have the will to dream it, you can achieve it. Helping people live a healthier life is the most fulfilling, purposeful and also profitable career you can ever imagine.
If someone like me with no degree in nutrition, or an MBA, can actually start a wellness career and business from home, I know you can too. DOWNLOAD YOUR FREE HEALTH COACHING KIT if you need some guidance to making this most important decision.
Remember, you already have something that the world needs. So go out there and share your magic.

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