Do you find yourself still feeling hungry even after you’ve already eaten, or lacking in energy when you’ve just finished a full workout? Or no matter how much green juice or salads you’ve been eating, yet you still don’t feel your best? You’re not alone. All of us have felt that way in one way or another, including me. And what you most likely need is not food ‘food’ but it’s soul food that you are craving for.
I first learned about the concept of PRIMARY FOOD when I started my Health Coaching training with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. What it means is that our lives are nourished with other forms of energies that no amount of proper nutrition can ever provide. And when these primary food are fully satiated, we often find food ‘food’ as secondary. We are also filled with more positivity and we feel at our best.
The 4 primary food are:
1. healthy relationships
2. meaningful career
3. regular physical activity
4. spiritual practice
In the contrary, when one of these primary food are off, we often feel a void and hunger that no amount of green juice or bowl of broccoli can ever satisfy.
I recently did a live broadcast from my Facebook page where I explained more about each of the primary food. I also shared my own journey and some tips for you to start implementing small actions to nourish yourself beyond healthy food.
To help you out even more, I created a FREE DOWNLOAD to give you more guidance on how to cultivate your primary food in different areas in your life. I hope you find this tool useful. And feel free to share this or the video to those you know who might need it too.
Always remember that you’re not a loser or a failure for not having all of the primary food perfectly in shape right now. No one has it all together, although that’s the impression we often see especially in social media. You and I are a work-in-progress and it starts with small steps that you do each single day which can lead to significant results.
No matter where you are in your wellness journey, you can always do something to improve the way you feel from the inside out.
How else do you nourish your life apart from good nutrition? Leave your comments below. I would also love to know how the concept of primary food is helping you thrive in life.

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