Imagine waking up feeling energized and motivated to bless people with what you’re passionate about while also earning from it. Is there something you are very good at and wish you can turn it into a product or service?
Five years ago when I started my journey as a business owner while still working full-time as a corporate manager in Singapore, I never really had a clue on how or where to start. All I knew was that I love finding ways to get myself and my family healthier, and helping others do the same. I unconsciously shared on social media my healthy recipes and tips without realizing that one day it might just become a business idea and lead me to start a career in wellness.
I still consider myself a newbie in this world of entrepreneurship, but I’ve learned a few good lessons from my own experience as a wellness entrepreneur, and also from the various mentors I’ve had in the business courses and programs I’ve invested throughout my journey.
So read on if you have been wanting for so long to take your passion into a business but not sure where to begin.

There is power in knowing your WHY first, since it will keep you grounded right from the start. Marie Forleo said “Never start a business just to make money, but start a business to make a difference.” If you don’t know your why yet, start with asking yourself these questions:
- What impact do you want to have on others with the knowledge and expertise you have?
- What need can you fulfill or a problem you can solve for the people you want to help?
- How do you want people to feel when they work with you thru your business?
Once you have your why sorted out, think next about who is your ideal customer–that is, who in particular do you want to help and how you want to deliver your promise to them. So for example, if your why is to help and empower new moms get back into shape, then what product or service do you want to offer? And how will it be delivered? Will it be face-to-face, online, or a combination of both?
When you have CLARITY OF PURPOSE, the what and the how easily flows. And you are also less likely to quit halfway through or when the going gets tough. It becomes your core motivation and no matter what happens, you will stick it through.
When I first thought of building my business website, I hesitated A LOT. I felt so incapable since I had no experience in copywriting, and was not as tech-savvy as I thought I should be. I also kept doubting myself thinking that I don’t have a degree in health or nutrition, so why the heck will people listen to what I have to say? My self-limiting beliefs kept me from taking action and it was doing a disservice to the people I am meant to serve.
Then one day I got a message from someone who happened to have seen a recipe I shared on my social media page, and she was showing to me how she recreated the dish and how her kids loved it. And then began a conversation of what other food she can start eating more of to replace processed food in their household. We ended the convo with her being very thankful, and me feeling so fulfilled to have shared what I know. And the next day I contacted a good friend from Netherlands to help me launch my website, and the rest as they say is history.
YOU ARE ALREADY GOOD AT SOMETHING NOW. Start with what you already know and remember that you don’t need a qualification just to be able to help others.
But why did I decide to complete my professional Health Coaching certification?
I was already a year into my business and it was more of my love for nutrition and the intent to learn more about behavioral coaching. The program also had a business development component to it and I wanted to escalate my skills in marketing and in content creation.
Yes, you can definitely get yourself schooled and certified on areas that you really are passionate about and what you feel will move the needle for you. However, never let your perceived lack of skills and inadequacy stop you from taking the first step.
And you can just re-assess along the way what skills you may need in order to better your craft and serve your clients more effectively.
If you do want to find our more about the Health Coaching program I completed, you can download my Health Coaching Guide below to get the full details on the curriculum.

I had zero business background when I started, so you can imagine the fear and anxiety I had then. But what really helped me overcome the common dilemma and struggles of a start-up business owner was the community of entrepreneurs I belonged to. Prior to starting my health coaching business, I first ventured into direct sales and was immersed in a huge network of highly-driven and very successful dream seekers. I had access to business mentors and partners who helped me move forward in the toughest times. I learned as much as I can from the experts and from my peers in the fastest way possible.
- interest groups in Facebook or your local community
- mastermind programs or courses
- business books, podcasts, webinars, live stream
- networking events (virtual or live)
Educating myself on how to run a business became an obsession. When I quit my job and decided to be a work-at-home mom, I used up the time when my son was asleep to work on my personal and professional development. Carving out time to work on yourself and your skills is a must. And if I can do it, then so can you.
You will always have nay-sayers and everyone will always have an opinion. But if you want to climb Mount Everest, will you be taking advise from someone who’s never even climbed it? I think you and I know the right answer. So stay hungry and learn from those who’s made it and done it.

Starting a business is the hardest thing, but it’s also the most beautiful thing. Mistakes and failures are inevitable, but it’s what makes you become better and stronger.
If there’s that little voice in your heart and your mind that’s telling you to take your passion into a side hustle, listen to it. Give yourself permission to try and to succeed. And even if there are already thousands of other people doing what you want to do, sometimes it takes only YOU to deliver that message to someone.
I hope what I shared has given you some answers, or at least sparked an idea or two to get you going. And always remember that you always have that ONE thing that you only you have to change the world.
To your health and hustle,

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